
Welcome to Fathom, Inc.

Welcome to Fathom, Inc.

Welcome to Fathom, Inc.Welcome to Fathom, Inc.Welcome to Fathom, Inc.

What We Offer

Professional Analysis


We use industry leading databases and years of experience to craft reliable comprehensive reports that will provide the answers you need to confidently make decisions.

National & International


We are not limited by boarders.  We have the ability to pull information from anywhere in the world.  Our contacts help us obtain whatever information we legally can.

Customizable Reports


We only want to provide you with information you can use.  We will design the report to give you the answers you need at a  price point that makes sense.

Newsletter & Updates

Please provide your email and we will send you a PDF that outlines our report options

Contact Us

Fathom, Inc.

3023 31st Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418

Please email us at with any questions or project details. All we need to start any project is a name and a last known address.

Click here to provide details about your project
